Monday, December 12, 2005

Welcome Traveler to Life's Most Enjoyable Journey!

Insights for effective living was created to help those who are traveling along life’s road and do not have the advantage of having traveled further. It's sort of a guide to help your journey be more successful with less of the pitfalls, mistakes, heartbreaks or anything else that would make your life’s journey unpleasant, deterred or worse, canceled.

You see as you walk along the road there are many ways to go about it. One is blindly which many choose. The thinking is to just having fun without regard to what lies ahead, carpe diem without a plan. Problem with that is that if you are not paying attention and your road leads to the cliffs edge. You will certainly end your journey quickly. Some will say that it was fait, karma, your destiny, or GOD’s will.

Allow me to assure you, as one that has gone down the road of life a bit further and extremely fast, that this is not the case. It's called plain ignorance. If we have been given the ability to pay attention then should we not use it?

Others may only look periodically without checking there map to see if they are on course. They wander aimlessly being caught in the light of any hypnotic distraction that they come into contact with. They too, unfortunately, will find their journey terminated early or they may reach their destination, but do so with little left to enjoy it. They are significantly delayed and have missed the show waiting for them as well as the opportunity to be touched and to touch those whose lives were dependant on the stroke of paint that you were to provide on their canvas had you traveled the proper course.

Others still travel with the idea that they will be returning if they do not get it right, or that they come again and again in a variety of forms. Animals if they do worse, or enlightened beings if they do well!

Allow me to propose a thought. What if you had one shot at it? How would you really know? Is there a way to really find out? What if you went your whole life following the wrong road and did not know it? What if you were tricked into thinking that your path was correct only to find out at the last minute, before being pushed off, that it was actually a path to the edge of a huge canyon? Wouldn’t you like to really know?

Now while that may be a fear based thought and proponents may argue that fear is being used to control lets just use the example of LOVE. A parent who certainly loves their child, and who uses wisdom, will not scare their child to stay out of the street. Rather they will lovingly explain and show them the real dangers that exist if they do not pay attention and use wisdom.

That is what we will do here. We will share insights gained over the years from those who have traveled successfully and have passed it along for those who wish to follow. Insights that can only be gained by, either having traveled the road yourself, or some one else who has! It’s those insights or small distinctions that are acted upon that turn a spectator into a pro. By adhering to the advice of those who have successfully navigated before us our journey will be a delight and become a path that is enjoyable, peaceful and full of adventure and growth. So let us continue on least we become weary travelers shall we??