Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What’s The Cube you Have Been Given?

Strange title yes? Not for those who have gone to see the movie “Mr. Magorium Wonder Emporium” and understood it’s true message. This brilliant film communicates the power of belief and it’s importance in tapping into the source of creativity. Mr. Magorium (Dustin Hoffman) owns and runs the most magical store in the universe, where all of the toys for sale are alive. But when the aging shopkeeper decides to retire and give the business to his faithful cashier Molly Mahoney, (Natalie Portman), she is shocked.

Divided into storybook chapters, the film begins at “the beginning of the end” for Mr. Magorium, who, at age 243, is preparing to depart this earthly plane because --well, enough is enough, and he’s out of shoes. For the past 113 years he has run the titular establishment, a sort of enchanted FAO Schwarz.

Magorium plans to bequeath his shop, a storefront/house sandwiched between
skyscrapers, to its manager, Molly Mahoney. At 23, she’s a onetime musical prodigy who feels stuck, unable to complete the concerto she’s been trying to compose. She longs to achieve the “sparkle” that shows she’s inspired and expressing her highest potential. She has a fondness for Emporium regular Eric(Zach Mills), a nice geeky 9-year-old who has a knack for invention and a lack of friends. He tries out his nascent social skills on Henry Weston (Jason Bateman), the accountant Magorium has hired to put his finances in order.

Being an accountant, Henry is necessarily an impassive skeptic who can’t accept that magic exists.

For her part, Molly can’t accept that her beloved boss is leaving. Neither can the store., whose red walls begin turning gray -- decor body language for a sulk. The books and stuffed animals start acting out, too, until full-fledged magic mayhem forces Magorium to close shop temporarily.

Until the final sequence it seems all is lost! But not yet! Molly during the opening of the film had been given a block of wood. Not knowing what to do with it she lets it just sit on her coffee table in her dining room! Near the end of the film Henry and her are having a discussion when in frustration she blurts out and the cube moves. Not believing his eyes he asks Molly to repeat what she just said and once again the cube moves. To make this long story short, the cube then takes off and dances across the screen. The next morning Henry helps Molly see the truth. The power is in her too, not just in Mr. Magorium. She then begins to display an unusual creativity summing up all her skills to make the most incredible collection with in the store as it comes back to life.

What was that phrase she uttered out of desperation? “Yes I Believe”

While this filmed was met with rather critical and harsh reviews, it portrays a
beautiful metaphor.

What is the cube in life you have been dished out? What is that one thing in
your life that sits their dormant waiting for you to tap into with your belief?

Yes you have been given talents and gifts, but they may not be expressed in
the way you first thought or imagined. Perhaps the creator of the Universe
has something much greater in store for you.

Perhaps the Creator is waiting for you to tap into the power of belief to turn
your cube into a wonder emporium of your own life.

That begs me to ask you... What if you took all your talents and gifts and
allowed them to bloom right where you are? What might become of your cube?”

Interestingly enough all those critical reviews… well I guess they are from
stuffy old folks and hard nosed profit mongers who lost their ability to believe
and dream, thus fail to see the true power of belief and faith found with in the
beauty of this film.

Perhaps they should go see it with 4 and 7 year olds as I did. Seems they still
believe. At least my kids and I had a great time.

Remember that life is precious and to always "Fly Right"

Roger Gauthier
Tri-Vision Global, Inc.
Launching You To Xtreme Success
2771-29 Monument Rd. No 374
Jacksonville, FL 32225

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